Group Policy Blog by Darren Mar-Elia (The “GPOGUY”)
Network World covers ActiveX Killbits and SDM Software!
I thought this was cool. John Fontana over at Network World did a nice article on the challenges around the recent Microsoft zero-day vulnerabilities and SDM Software and yours truly got a nice mention on Page 2! Cool!Darren
ActiveX Killbits and Group Policy
Recently, Microsoft announced a zero-day vulnerability in IE's ActiveX video control, that required folks to react quickly to prevent exploits of this vulnerability. One of the possible routes for preventing this was to disable the affected ActiveX control in...
Microsoft releases PolicyMaker to GP Preferences Migration Tool
For those of you waiting patiently to migrate your PolicyMaker settings to the new GP Preferences format, your wait is over! You can now download the migration tool here! And here's a good blog post on how it all works. DarrenTags:Group Policy, Group Policy...
What’s Happening in the GP World???
Hey Folks. Sorry for the long delay in between postings. Lots going on in Group Policy land and in my own life that has been keeping me busy! But, now that I have some time, I wanted to blog about a few things of note, in no particular order:Thanks to Mike Kline for...
Russinovich demos Group Policy cmdlets at TechEd
I thought this was cool: demo'd Microsoft's upcoming Group Policy PowerShell cmdlets that will ship with Windows 7 and...
Going to MMS?
If you're planning on being at the Microsoft Management Summit next week, I'll be presenting a Group Policy Troubleshooting session there on Wednesday morning. Stop by and say hi or attend the session or the Birds of a Feather I'll be doing that evening at around...
SBS 2008 Group Policy Webinar for Microsoft Partners!
Just a quick note to let those of you who are Microsoft partners know that I'm going to be giving a webinar on using Group Policy in Small Business Server (SBS) 2008 on April 24th. Here's the info on the webinar if you want to register to attend!Date: 4/24/2009...
SDM Software Ships new Group Policy Automation Engine
As I mentioned in a previous post, SDM Software was close to shipping the next version of our GPExpert Scripting Toolkit product, and that has happened! Today we announced the release of the GPExpert(r) Group Policy Automation Engine 2.0. This newly branded and...
GPMC Cmdlets Update
Just a quick shout-out to let folks know that I posted an update to our SDM Software GPMC Cmdlets on our freeware page. This is version 1.3 and primarily just fixes some bugs including an issue when you tried to get, add or remove site-based GPO links....
Automating GP Preferences
In a recent posting on the mailing list, I happened to mention that we're getting ready to release v. 2.0 of our GPExpert(r) Scripting Toolkit. The Toolkit is actually getting a new name, but I won't spoil the surprise for now. However, the key feature...