Group Policy Blog by Darren Mar-Elia (The “GPOGUY”)
Microsoft to do PowerShell in Group Policy in Windows 7
Microsoft's Group Policy product team recently posted a blog announcing that they will be adding PowerShell support to Windows 7 for various Group Policy management tasks, such as those things you can do in GPMC scripts today. In addition, they are adding...
Join Me This Week at WinConnections!
This week I'll be at the Windows Connections show in Las Vegas presenting 5 sessions on Group Policy (what else!) and PowerShell. If you are planning to attend this show, stop by one of my sessions and say hi, or, I will be hosting a GP troubleshooting/management...
SpecOps GPUpdate 2.0 Ships
Just a quick update to my previous blog posting to let you all know that the 2.0 version of GPUpdate has shipped from SpecOps:, GPUpdate
New/Updated Group Policy Products from SpecOps
My friends at SpecOps are getting ready to release one updated and one new product that continues to make Group Policy a more powerful solution for managing Windows desktops and servers. They are getting ready to release an update to their free GPUpdate tool,...
Podcast Interview on ConcentratedTech Blog
I just did an interview yesterday for MVPs Don Jones and Greg Shield's ConcentratedTech Podcast. You can check it out at In the interview, I talked about Microsoft's release of the new version of AGPM...
Group Policy Troubleshooting Series
Last week I did a series of GP Troubleshooting blog entries for the folks at Realtime Publishers. I posted 4 blog entries that walk through, step-by-step, the process I typically use when helping someone troubleshoot a GP problem. Many of these techniques are...
Quest acquires Netpro
For those who haven't seen the news, it was just announced this morning: little part of the world just got a little smaller and the folks who brought you DEC are now part of a much larger...
Group Policy Troubleshooting Posts
Starting today, I'll be guest blogging at on Group Policy troubleshooting. I'm doing a series of blog items on the steps that you can go through to successfully troubleshoot Group Policy. Check it out! Tags:Group...
Whitepaper on Group Policy Preferences
I've seen a lot of interest in Group Policy Preferences since its release, and a lot of confusion about whether you can use it if you don't have Windows Server 2008 in your environment (you can!) so I thought it would be useful to create a quick whitepaper on the...
Good article on Group Policy & Security Compliance
I thought this Information Week article did a good job of articulating the challenges of security compliance on Windows, and the use of Group Policy as the first line of defense here. Most folks have been using GP to lockdown their desktop systems for a while now, but...