Group Policy Blog by Darren Mar-Elia (The “GPOGUY”)
GPMC Backups from Downlevel Systems
I had a question recently that I thought was worth blogging. The question was, "if I create a GPO using Windows 7, Server 2008 or similar newer platform", then backup that GPO using XP or Server 2003, will it back up everything?". The answer, not surprisingly, is "it...
The Minasi Conference
5th Annual Minasi Conference coming soon!
Re-Upped for Another Year of MVP!
Despite once again having to fetch it from my spam folder, I did indeed get the coveted email from Microsoft yesterday indicating that I'd been made a Group Policy MVP for the 5th year in a row. Cool! I am honored and happy to be an MVP for another year. I look...
RSoP & GP Preferences
I was playing around with some scenarios related to "item-level targeting" (ILT) in Group Policy Preferences and was reminded of a significant limitation in this newer as it relates to Resultant Set of Policy reporting. What I was doing was creating a...
Group Policy Automation Engine wins Editor’s Choice Gold!
Well, I was very surprised and happy to receive an IM from a colleague this morning, directing me to, where I read that our SDM Software Group Policy Automation Engine won GOLD as Best Active...
Win7 issue reporting on Software Restriction Policies
I found this issue recently--at first I thought it was just my environment, but have confirmed it on a couple of different environments. When you are on a Win 7 box (and probably R2 as well), in GPMC and viewing the setttings of a GPO that had previously been created...
Cool new tool for comparing IE Zone Security Settings
On my twitter site:
Group Policy Slow Link Detection in Vista and beyond
As many folks probably know, Group Policy slow link detection prior to Windows Vista relied on a series of ICMP pings to determine link speed between the client and domain controller. This process was fairly inprecise and was fraught with issues because many folks...
Vote for SDM Software’s GPExpert Group Policy Automation Engine!!!
OK folks, our Group Policy Automation Engine (GPAE), the only automation solution available on the market for reading and writing settings within GPOs, is one of the finalists in the Windows IT Pro Magazine Community Choice Awards, in the "Best AD and GP...
Nominate Our GP Products for a Community Award!
HEY GPOGUY & SDM SOFTWARE FANS!! We need your help! Windows IT Pro Magazine is having their COMMUNITY AWARDS NOMINATIONS until this Friday, August 14th. If you like the freeware products we have on and on, please...