Hi Folks
If you’re a fan of my gpoguy.com web site, which I started many years ago as a resource for all things Group Policy, you’ll be interested in this latest news. In order to provide a single spot where you can get great information on Group Policy, free tools for managing Group Policy and also information related to SDM Software, we are consolidating GPOGUY.COM into the SDM Software website. You’ll still be able to go to GPOGUY.COM, but when you do, you’ll be redirected to a portion of the SDM Software site where all the content and forums that are now on GPOGUY, will reside. So if you want to subscribe to the GP Talk web forum and ask questions about Group Policy, or download our free tools, you’ll be able to do it from one location!
This change will happen over this coming March 7th weekend, so look for it come Monday! If you have any questions about any of this, just post a comment here or drop me an email (Darren at sdmsoftware <dot> com)
This should be a great improvement for both websites and will help consolidate all of our GP goodness under “one roof”!