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GPMC Backups from Downlevel Systems

I had a question recently that I thought was worth blogging. The question was, “if I create a GPO using Windows 7, Server 2008 or similar newer platform”, then backup that GPO using XP or Server 2003, will it back up everything?”.  The answer, not...

The Minasi Conference

Just a quick note to remind folks that for the 5th year in a row my good friend Mark Minasi is hosting the Minasi Conference in Virginia this Spring. For those of you who are used to going to one of those big conferences, this is a much more “intimate”...

Re-Upped for Another Year of MVP!

Despite once again having to fetch it from my spam folder, I did indeed get the coveted email from Microsoft yesterday indicating that I’d been made a Group Policy MVP for the 5th year in a row. Cool! I am honored and happy to be an MVP for another year. I look...