A couple of months ago, we upgraded our partner site–http://gpoguy.com– to a new look and feel. We also converted the venerable GPTalk Listserv-based mailing list, with over 1000 subscribers, to the new GPOGUY GPTalk Forum. While this new forum doesn’t have all the advantages of a listserv in terms of delivering content to your inbox, it does have a lot of other advantages. One of the cool things you can do, to get “listserv-like” alerts when new topics are submitted, is to subscribe to the RSS feed for GPTalk. Simply add the address http://gpoguy.com/group-policy-forums/forum/gptalk/rss to Outlook or your favorite RSS reader/mail client, and you’ll get all the new topics that show up on GPTalk delivered to your inbox just like before!
So if you have questions about Group Policy, register on GPOGUY and start posting them today! Also, we have all of the archives from the GPTalk listserv stored up in the new forum, so you can search on past topics before you ask a question, just to see if we’ve already covered it.