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GPO Logging Custom ADMX (for Windows Vista)

GPLogging.ADMX : This is a port of gpolog.adm to the new Vista ADMX/ADML file format. Included in the download is the ADMX file for enabling the logs that are still valid in Vista, as well as the language-independent strings file (.ADML) for the English language.

See also the ADM version of this in this Free Tools section.

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UPDATED on 12/14/06 to include new custom ADMX for enabling logging in Vista RTM (updated version number in ADMX so they would load correctly in Vista RTM)

Look for other languages here as soon as I can get them ported. The Figure below shows what the new ADMX looks like in the Vista GP Editor


Remember, these are still preferences, so you have to set the Filtering within the GP Editor to allow “unmanaged” settings to be shown. To download the new ADMX/ADML files, click the download link below. To install this new template, copy the ADMX file to c:\windows\policydefinitions on the Vista machine where you edit Group Policy, and copy the ADML file to the en-us folder under the policydefinitions folder. If you’re using the central, copy these two files to the central store within the same folders.

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