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Today, my inbox was greeted with a couple of new links for those of you looking at and working with PowerShell. The first is a pretty cool e-workbook on getting started with PowerShell, written by Frank Koch of Microsoft Switzerland. Frank put together this workbook (in English and German, btw) for folks looking to get started using PowerShell and had contacted me about taking a look at SDM Software’s GPMC cmdlets and GPExpert Scripting Toolkit. He’s finished his book and has put it out on the Microsoft download site for those interested. Check it out at:

German version:

English version:


The second link is for a video I just did for the folks as SpecOps. They have their new SpecOps Command product, which is a very cool solution for combining the power of Group Policy and PowerShell. Basically they let you use Group Policy to distribute PowerShell (and VBScript) scripts to clients on your network. In the video I created, I show how you can use SpecOps Command in conjunction with SDM Software’s upcoming Get-SDMGPHealth cmdlet to retrieve Group Policy processing health across your systems.


Check out the video here!




Tags: PowerShell, Group Policy, SDM Software, SpecOps