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Group Policy Auditing and Attestation (GPAA)

Group Policy Auditing & Attestation

Audit Group Policy changes, Rollback mistaken or unwanted changes, Certify that GPOs still belong in the environment

SDM Software’s Group Policy Auditing and Attestation (GPAA) product provides real-time change auditing and alerting for all changes related to Group Policy management, including detailed before and after values for GPO settings. GPAA answers the “Who, What, When and Where” of Group Policy auditing. It also provides GPO rollback and GPO attestation/certification to ensure that you know who owns a given GPO throughout its lifetime.

  • Capture, send email alerts and report on, all changes related to Group Policy management
  • Group Policy Change audit events provide the “who, what, when and where” of GPO changes in clear, descriptive events
  • Support for all events related to GPO management
  • Automatic backup of changed GPOs and the ability to rollback GPO changes through a web UI.
  • Ability to provide attestation of critical GPOs. This includes the ability to assign owners to GPOs  and to create approval-based workflow that periodically asks owners to attest to GPOs.
  • Role-based management allows you to delegate which AD users and groups can perform which actions within the product


  • Operating Systems Supported for Installation: Microsoft® Windows Server 2012-R2, 2016, 2019 or 2022.
  • .Net Framework 4.5.2 and Microsoft® Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) installed on the system where you install the product. IIS/ASP.Net 4.0+ and Microsoft SQL Server 2014+ is required. PowerShell 4.0 or greater is required to leverage PowerShell functionality.